The Fresh Bite 5K Hunger Run
Ensuring nobody goes hungry is a necessity. Ensuring everyone has nutritious food to eat is our goal. The Fresh Bite 5k is an opportunity for people who love to run or walk to turn out for a cause: making nutritious food available to everyone, regardless of circumstance. With your help, we can make sure that the over 1,000 families who come to us for help are not only fed, but fed well – with nutritious food that keeps them in school, going to work, or active in their later years of life.

The opposite of hungry isn't full– it's healthy!
The Fresh Bite 5k Hunger Run will take place on Saturday, June 15, at 9:30 a.m. (check-in will be open at 8:30 am) at DCR Wompatuck State Park. The trail is a USATF certified 5k and the run will be professionally timed. The trail is paved, ready for sneakers or strollers. We have a yoga stretch to start the day off, a scavenger hunt for the kids, and fun raffles and prizes. Register as an individual, create a team with your organization, company or neighborhood, or bring the family.
It’s a fun day for a good cause. Join us!
Weymouth Food Pantry
The Weymouth Food Pantry serves approximately 1,000 families in Weymouth at any given time, between 60 and 115 per service day, distributing 273,397 pounds of food in the last year.
In a community in which 1 in 10 residents struggles to afford food, the Weymouth Food Pantry offers food assistance and education through a variety of avenues in the community: at its pop-up pantries, through home delivery, at the Weymouth Farmer's Market, in local schools, and through teaching basic home gardening skills.